Syakhsiyah Islamiyah
Personality or in Arabic is called al-shakhsiyyah, derived from the word syakhshun. This means that people, person, or private. Personality could mean someone's identity (haqiiqatu ash-syakhshi). One's personality is determined by the way of thinking (aqliyyah), which is the way a person think of something by a certain standard or how a person with information linking the facts before (and vice versa) based on a certain standard and how to do (nafsiyah), the activity to meet the needs and desires.
Perhaps similar to an energy personality. his own being is something abstract. One can only assess the "impact" caused. Here is the point of the different possibilities of defining the meaning of "personal".
Personal basically formed between the main element in man. Namely, the element of thought or thought pattern (aqliyyah) and mental attitude (nafsiyah). Quality and the style of thinking as well as people's mood, determine the height shakhsiyyah (private) person. Because the human person that has nothing to do with one's physical appearance, beauty or ketidakcantikan women has nothing to do with his personal high-low. So in essence embodies the personality of Islam Islamic mindset (Aqliyah Islamiyah) and Islamic behavior patterns (Nafsiyah Islamiyah).
Aqliyah Islamiyah will only crystallize and become strong in a person when he has the right belief and firm against Aqidah Islamiyah and he has the Islamic sciences are sufficient to act against a variety of ideas, views, concepts and ideas that exist in society are broken, then views and concepts of science and standardized with Islamic values. To obtain a strong Aqliyah Islamiyah, only the bias achieved by increasing repertoire of Islamic sciences (tsaqofah Islamiyah), as the Islamic impetus for people to continue their studies anytime, anywhere. Allah tells us: Say, "My Lord add to me the science" (Surah Ta Ha: 114)
While Nafsiyah Islamiyah will be formed and strong only when someone makes the rules of Islam as a way to meet the biological needs (food, drink, dress, etc.) Nafsiyah Islamiyah can be improved by always training yourself to do obedience, bound by the rules of Islam in all things and execute deeds -the practice of worship, whether obligatory or sunna and accustom ourselves to leave the makruh and the haram especially doubtful. Islampun berahlak teaches us to always noble, being wara 'and qanaah to be able to eliminate the trend is bad and contrary to Islam.
In a hadith qudsi Allah says: "... and not bertaqarrub or the charity of a servant with something more like I like when he made obligatory deeds that I ordered it, then my servants always bertaqarrub unto me with practice, practice sunnah so I love him "(Bukhari from Abu Hurairah)
So, someone said to have syakhshiyah Islamiyah, if he has an Islamic aqliyah and nafsiyah. Syakhsiyah Islamiyah one should ever increasing steadily, so that Islam very thought more brilliant, more stable life and istiqomah Islam very well as a person closer to God and glorified by God. Allaah ta'ala knows best bishshowab.
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